Meta to leave Europe?

Meta Renews Warning to EU It Will Be Forced to Pull Facebook

This is the title chosen by Bloomberg today to underline the actual situation in Europe, the flow of valuable data to the USA has been the topic of European Regulators constantly in the last few months and Meta is warning that Facebook and #instagram may cease operations.

Being a #photographer this truly interests me, looking at the next phases of what could be a massive change in the social media market , not only as a #content  creator but also an #opportunity  to sneak into the next big platform. 

What is your opinion on this topic?

David Černý’s Babies Celebrate 20 Years on the Žižkov TV Tower

Crawling up one of the city’s most prominent landmarks, the Žižkov TV Tower, Černý’s “Tower Babies” are without a doubt his most visible work.

In 2000 – the year Prague was the Cultural Capital of Europe, Černý was asked to create a temporary project to honor the occasion, but due to the public’s appreciation of the babies, it was decided that they would remain.

They were put on the tower for the first time on 29th May 2000. People liked them so much they were returned in 2001 as a permanent installation.

Standing out from the picturesque skyline of the city, the babies are scaling the sides of the television tower, a symbol of the communist era, unable to reach adulthood, their growth stifled by this landmark of totalitarian rule.  At night they are lit up in the colors of the Czech flag.

You can’t see it from here but the babies don’t have faces. Instead of features, they have barcodes or slots jammed into their faces, making them look like the back of an old personal computer.

Some assert that Černý’s creations did not improve the looks of the Žižkov site: even rated the TV tower as the second ugliest building in the world and babies as a kind of hideous contribution to that.

Covid-19 in Prague .

The Coronavirus outbreak was not expected to hit so strong as we were thinking. I spent my quarantine in Prague, the city where I’m living .

After 10 months living here, I saw the city and it’s citizens changing completely their life.
Prague every year is visited by millions of tourists which have completely disappeared after the restrictions imposed by the Czech government. So the city is not as before, it is empty, no life, no laugh, no cries on the streets, no selfies. Only the Czechs being desperate on the most iconic symbol of turism of their country. Charles Bridge.
